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How to Season a Blackstone Griddle: Quick Guide

Unlock the Secrets to Perfectly Season Your Blackstone Griddle for Enhanced Cooking and Durability!

blackstone griddle being cooked on.

Seasoning your Blackstone griddle is a crucial step in ensuring its longevity and performance. This process, which involves coating the cooking surface with oil and heating it, creates a non-stick layer that enhances your cooking experience. By understanding how to season a Blackstone griddle, you’re taking an important step in caring for your cooking equipment.

The benefits of seasoning extend beyond just improving the surface. It also protects the griddle from rust and wear, making your investment last longer. Whether you’re a seasoned chef or a home cooking enthusiast, mastering the art of seasoning your Blackstone griddle can elevate your culinary creations.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the simple yet effective process of seasoning your griddle. With our tips and tricks, you’ll be able to achieve that perfect non-stick surface, making cooking and cleanup a breeze.

Blackstone 36" griddle
Photo: Amazon

Understanding the Basics of Seasoning Your Blackstone Griddle

Seasoning isn’t just a one-time affair; it’s a crucial routine that ensures your Blackstone griddle remains in top condition. Think of it as prepping your canvas before unleashing your culinary art. This fundamental step involves applying a thin layer of oil to the griddle’s surface and then heating it until it smokes. This process creates a protective barrier that not only prevents rust but also forms a non-stick layer.

The Importance of Cleaning Before Seasoning

Before you dive into seasoning, starting with a clean slate is essential. Remove any residue or debris from previous cooking sessions. This means heating the griddle slightly, then using a scraper and a cloth to wipe it down. 

Cleaning a blackstone griddle with a scraper and towel.

Ensuring your griddle is spotless removes any obstacles between the metal surface and the seasoning oil, guaranteeing a smoother, more effective seasoning process.

Materials Needed for Seasoning

Gather your tools before you begin. You’ll need high-heat cooking oil (like flaxseed, canola, or vegetable oil), paper towels, and heat-resistant gloves for safety. These items will help you apply the oil evenly and protect your hands from the heat during the seasoning process.

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Season a Blackstone Griddle

Heating Your Griddle

Start by slowly heating your Blackstone griddle. This process opens up the pores of the metal, allowing the oil to penetrate deeply. Adjust the flame to a medium setting, aiming for a consistent temperature across the surface.

Cooking on a blackstone griddle.

Applying the Oil

Once the griddle is warm, it’s time to apply the oil. Pour a small amount onto the surface, then use a paper towel or cloth to spread it evenly. Cover every inch, but don’t overdo it; a thin layer is all you need.

Blackstone Seasoning oil
Photo: Amazon

The Seasoning Process

After applying the oil, increase the heat until the oil starts to smoke. This signals that the seasoning process is underway. Let it smoke for a few minutes, then turn off the heat and let the griddle cool. Repeat this process 3-4 times to build up a strong non-stick layer.

How Many Coats Do You Need?

Typically, 3-4 coats of oil will suffice to create a durable non-stick surface. However, the more you use and season the griddle, the better it gets. Over time, your Blackstone griddle will develop a dark, shiny patina that’s both protective and effective for cooking.

Aftercare and Maintenance

Maintaining your griddle’s seasoning isn’t complicated. After each use, clean the surface lightly without using harsh chemicals or abrasive tools. A simple wipe with a cloth and hot water is often enough. Remember, the key to a long-lasting non-stick surface is regular use and proper maintenance.

Troubleshooting Common Seasoning Issues

If you encounter sticky spots or uneven seasoning, don’t fret. These issues are common and easily fixed with a little extra care. Simply reheat the griddle, apply another thin layer of oil, and let it smoke. With patience and persistence, achieving the perfect seasoning on your Blackstone griddle is within reach.

Through these simple steps, you’re not just seasoning a griddle; you’re setting the stage for countless delicious meals to come. Remember, a well-seasoned Blackstone griddle is the secret ingredient to elevating your outdoor cooking game.

Storage Tips for Your Seasoned Griddle

Once you’ve achieved that perfect seasoning, keeping it intact is crucial. Proper storage of your Blackstone griddle can significantly extend its life and maintain the quality of the non-stick surface. Always ensure your griddle is completely dry before storing it to prevent rust. If possible, store it in a dry, covered area to protect it from the elements. A griddle cover is a worthwhile investment, offering additional protection against moisture and dust.

Blackstone Griddle Cover
Photo: Amazon

Troubleshooting Common Seasoning Issues

Even with the best care, you might encounter some common seasoning issues. Here’s how to tackle them:

Sticky or Uneven Seasoning Layers

If your griddle’s surface feels sticky or the seasoning looks uneven, it may be due to excess oil or insufficient heating during the seasoning process. To fix this, simply heat the griddle to a higher temperature until the sticky spots disappear and the surface evens out. Remember, it’s about achieving a balance between oil and heat.

Preventing Rust and Wear

Rust can be a griddle’s worst enemy, but it’s easily preventable. Always clean and dry your griddle thoroughly after use. If rust does appear, don’t panic. It can usually be removed with a light scrubbing using a griddle stone or sandpaper, followed by re-seasoning to restore the surface.


Learning how to season a Blackstone griddle is a straightforward yet essential process that enhances your cooking experience. By following these simple steps and maintaining your griddle properly, you’ll ensure it remains in top condition for years to come. Remember, a well-seasoned griddle is the cornerstone of delicious meals and memorable gatherings around the grill.